Low Income Health Insurance Alaska

Alaska is the only other state, apart from Minnesota that has not applied for the $ 1 million federal dollars to set up a state based exchange. The exchange will need to set up by 2014 and the government believes that there is plenty of time to do so. However it is hurrying up to implement the other clauses of the Act that will become effective from 2010.

The new health reforms are all about eliminating disparities that Americans face while purchasing health plans ( Health Insurance Alaska )and therefore natives of Alaska stand to gain a lot from the new Act. Over 29% of the population is not insured in the state and the mandatory health coverage will look to decrease that number considerably.

It will become easier and cheaper to access group health plans in Alaska. 11,500 small firms will now provide coverage at work and get federal tax credits in return. Large firms will have to pay a fine if they do not provide Health Insurance Alaska to their employees.

Children with pre-existing health conditions will not be denied coverage at all. Adults will have access to a high risk pool of $13.1 million that will help them get affordable Health Insurance Alaska. the pool is valid till 2014 when discrimination against adults with existing medical conditions will end as well.

Young adults in Alaska can stay in their parents’ health plans (Health Insurance Alaska) till they turn 26. This will protect 3580 individual from having to pay for medical coverage when they are studying or are looking for jobs.

There would be no lifetime limits on annual plans. Premiums, co-pays, deductibles and co-insurances will be tightly regulated. This will ensure that residents in Alaska do not spend huge sums on money on medical bills even after having access to coverage.

Rescission will not be allowed. Insurance companies cannot just randomly drop people from coverage citing minor mistakes in their application. This will also protect the 27,000 residents who bought their plans from dishonest practices.

The carriers also have to put in place an appeal process where beneficiaries can challenge denial of claims or any other disputes on their health plans ( Health Insurance Alaska ).

The state also stands to benefit from the Affordable Care Act. There are 174 Community Health Centers in the state that will receive more federal dollars so as to increase the patient intake and to build more such centers.

A fund of $1.5 billion will be given to the National Health Service Corps so that they make healthcare services accessible to 12% of the Alaska’s population that lives in underserved areas. Medicaid will also receive more funding so that it can incorporate a larger number of people who belong to the low-income group.