It’s time to get auto insurance, maybe you got a new car or are unhappy with your current provider. The first thing you will want to do is shop around at different insurance companies and compare your costs. Talk to family and friends about their current auto insurance provider and their experiences in the past. Do some research on the different policies offered by large companies and local companies in your area and make sure to look into the following things offered by each.
Insure the right car
Before you insure your car, look for an auto insurance website that will allow you to compare the differences in prices for the make and model of your vehicle. You may find that comparable models have very different price ranges for auto insurance depending on the theft rate and repair rate. Another thing the companies will factor into your payment is the zip code you are parking the car in (most likely your home address) for theft rate as well. Most large auto insurance company sites will usually list cars they consider to be safer, hinting to you the vehicles with the best insurance rate. If you have an older car you are looking to insure, you may want to consider dropping collision and comprehensive coverage all together. These coverage costs may account for almost half of your payment and should an accident occur, only cover the cars replacement value.
Once you find a company and a price you are comfortable with, there are different discounts you can ask about that may help you save on your policy. Each auto insurance provider offers different discounts; these can range from vehicle features like antitheft devices, to being proactive about your driving with defensive driving courses. If you haven’t had a ticket (moving or accident) for several years your insurance will decrease dramatically. And even student drivers with good grades can get a discount these days. Bundling your car insurance with other insurance options offered by the company, such as homeowners insurance or additional vehicles, could also get you a discount.
Things you can do
While you may not be able to erase a violation from your driving history, there are things you can do to improve your auto insurance policy price. Look into the different discounts as mentioned above to see if you could potentially qualify for one. You may be able to enroll in a defensive driving course that once completed would lower your policy. One of the best things you can do is maintain a good credit report, since many auto insurance companies factor credit into pricing out a policy. To protect your credit score always pay your bills on time, keep your credit balances as low as possible and check your report regularly to catch any errors.
Once you have settled on a policy, stay current and up to date with your policy and the different discounts your provider offers. Like most insurance rates, auto insurance rates can change often and you will want to review your coverage annually to make sure you are getting the best price.